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The Change Threshold

I have personally seen and research confirms that even difficult changes can happen when the impetus to improve is high. For example, if a woman tells her husband that she and the kids will leave him if he doesn’t change his ways, this often becomes a powerful catalyst for change. If you feel there are certain behaviors you can't change, ask yourself if you would act differently if relationships with the most important people in your life depended on making these changes. The answer is obvious. It is also helpful to look at what you are loosing by not overcoming your obstacles. I like to ask myself, “What could I achieve if I remove a very negative way of being from my life?” The answer is always, “I would be much spiritually stronger and better off in many ways." We all have much to gain by overcoming obstacles. The rewards are gratifying because they keep us in alignment with our higher self and with our Higher Self. And besides, the pain of failure and regret is always greater than the pain of self-discipline.

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