The mission of Sattva is to create a revolution in consciousness.
Through Sattva Education we compassionately help individuals connect with their innate wisdom, happiness and spirit.

Dealing with your conditioning
We are all conditioned or habituated to think, believe and act in ways that often do not bring us what we want in life. This course is an exploration into how we became conditioned (how and why the three gunas condition us), the power of choice, overcoming the mind’s tendencies to work against us, creating more balance in our life, and discovering our unconditional spiritual self. This course presents the foundational principles and teachings of the Sattva spiritual paradigm. The Sattva Way is spiritual self-development at its best.
Duration: 25 hours
Cost: $250
First steps in self realization
Expands upon the principles taught in Level 1 by offering deeper spiritual insight into these principles and opening you up to new ways of seeing yourself,
the world, others and god. You learn practices to incorporate into a daily spiritual practice that will gradually bring you to levels of consciousness you didn’t know were possible.
Duration: 20 hours
Cost: $200
Living as a spiritual practice
Every action, thought and encounter is meant to be a spiritual practice. Taking what we learned in Levels 1 and 2, we focus on going from the head to the heart, aligning our lives with what we believe.
We learn to live with more detachment, acceptance and awareness of our relationship to our creator in every situation and by deeply examining our consciousness, motives, and attitudes we uncover what is holding us back from doing this at all times.
Duration: 20 hours
Cost: $200
The art of divine communication
Prayer is like a mirror because it reveals your faith, your aspirations, and your devotion – or lack of it. In this seminar you will have a lot of time to look into this mirror. If you take a good hard look at your desires and prayers you can see just how revealing they really are. You will get a chance to do this and it you will be amazed how enlightening this will be.
You will also learn how to tap into a divine power that we all have access to, a power that can help us overcome our greatest obstacles. In this workshop you will confront those obstacles and learn how to use the power of prayer to both face and overcome them.
Duration: 10 hours
Cost: $100
Let it go and set yourself free​
Although forgiveness is central to any spiritual practice or philosophy, the practice of forgiveness is not
necessarily deeply engrained in modern culture, even in spiritual circles. We talk about the need for tolerance and forgiveness. We know nothing comes to us that we don’t deserve, yet resentment still resides in the hearts of many of us, even those who believe in karma. This is a hands-on workshop in which participants work through their personal resentment issues using a step-by-step forgiveness process based on Vedic psychology. A must for anyone dealing with resentment related issues, and for any teachers or counselors who wish to incorporate the forgiveness process in their work.
Duration: 18 hours
Cost: $180
A personal and group transformational workshop​
One of the greatest skills needed for success is the ability to communicate and get along well with other people. You really can learn to act and communicate better, even if these are not inborn skills. You will learn the major roadblocks to effective listening, how to give and receive feedback with appreciation and grace, to work well with those you don’t agree with, to overcome the need to be right, to become aware of your prejudices and false assumptions, how and why the ego and mind causes you to become defensive, how much what you are thinking is affecting those around you, and the importance of love and trust in creating open and honest exchange.
Duration: 10 hours
Cost: $99

Learn coaching the Sattva way and become a certified Sattva coach. Sattva is a spiritual based coaching method that empowers people to take control of their lives based on the realization that as souls they are higher than their minds and can both observe and control their minds and emotions. It also shows people how to spiritualize their stories of hurt, pain and shame. And most importantly, it helps people plan their lives not only for achieving things of this world, but to understand how the karmic consequences of present actions affect future lives. We not only help people become successful in this life, but we help people achieve a much higher greater success, what we call “success beyond success.”
Duration: 100 hours
Cost: $2000
Our Students benefits:
Students of online courses have access to
a FAQ related to the course materials, and
can have questions answered that are not addressed in the FAQ. Questions are sent electronically answered via a weekly audio course blog.
Our Students support:
Students who require personal guidance for going more deeply into the course materials, can request a mentor and receive personal coaching for an additional fee.
The power of humility and self honesty
This workshop serves as a powerful spiritually based self-development course that centers on taming the needs of the false ego to dominate, attract attention, judge, assert itself and show off. It includes methods and attitudes for both improving intra-personal and interpersonal relationships. Contains many powerful self-reflection exercises.
Duration: 20 hours
Cost: $200

How to make it, how to grow it, and how to spend it​
You will learn spiritual principles for attracting and spending money and discover money blueprints that might be causing to work harder and earn less. Many people are simply in the wrong consciousness to attract and use wealth. You will also learn better ways using your wealth and how to simplify your life in in order to give you more time for spiritual pursuits.
Duration: 15 hours
Cost: $250. Includes one hour of coaching
Connecting with your highest self
Discover the qualities of an enlightened soul, qualities we can all manifest by connecting with our divine nature. We look at such qualities as forgiveness, tolerance, humility, equanimity, love, compassion and self satisfaction and do exercises to help us better understand the nature of these qualities and how to live them in our daily lives. You will learn spiritual practices that awaken these qualities within you.
Duration: 15 hours
Cost: $150
Connecting with your mission in divine service
This course helps you discover and deeply connect with your unique life purpose and how to best use these gifts to uplift the world. You will connect to a service that truly inspires you and gain the success tools needed to achieve your goals. You will learn how to connect with your unique calling and purpose, why becoming clear on your mission is essential to your success, how to turn obstacles into opportunities, proven strategies to take you from where you are now to where you want to be, and how to deal with doubts, fears and negativity through developing greater trust in your divine connection.
Duration: 15 hours
Cost: $150
A holistic and comprehensive training
At Sattva we integrate the practice and philosophy of yoga both on and off the mat. Since yoga is a holistic practice, you learn not only the practice of asana, but the philosophical background of yoga in its many dimensions.
Our unique training blends the ancient, traditional and modern to make yoga practice as relevant and effective as possible and shows how to use yoga as a means to spiritual awakening.
Duration: 300 hours
Cost: $3000

Learning the spiritual laws of relationships​
Sacred Union reveals time tested spiritual principles and strategies that make marriage successful. These principles are so powerful that they can turn around a deeply troubled marriage and will virtually insure that a new marriage will succeed. In fact, these principles are so universal that they will help improve all of your relationships. You will leave this workshop with the essential tools and attitudes you need to create a more successful and happier marriage by learning to make simple changes that will produce dramatic results. This is as much a personal transformation workshop as it is a relationship building workshop.
Duration: 20 hours
Cost: $200

Becoming your word
Is your sense of honor connected to your word? If not, you may find it difficult to always follow through on your vows. This workshop is explores personal integrity. This workshop will help you to:
Understand what is preventing you from being 100% committed to others – and to yourself.
Effectively deal with the guilt and feelings of failure that result from not following your vows.
See why you may be reluctant to take vows or make commitments.
Explore new vows you may wish to make and how to understand when you are ready to make them.
You will also get to examine how not keeping your vows and promises, even the small ones you make day to day, is exerting a negative influence on your life.
Duration: 12 hours
Cost: $120
Choosing to do what is right
Learn the process of achieving self control, focus and inner peace. It may sometimes seem we don’t have control, and people commonly express they felt impelled to act beyond their control. The fact is that we have choices about how we react to life’s circumstances. We explore free choice, destiny, and the karmic consequences of our actions, and offer spiritual tools that will help you become, as stated in the Bhagavad-gita, as calm as a flame in a windless place. We also explore how our lifestyle affects our ability to control our responses to our surroundings and other’s actions.
Duration: 8 hours
Cost: $80
The philosophy and practice of devotional yoga
The Bhakti Course is designed for those who know little or nothing about bhakti (devotional yoga), or who may know something but have not yet become involved in the practices. The workshop fills a need for a structured introductory course that teaches the basics of bhakti in an interactive, dynamic, and non-threatening way. It allows people to freely explore and experience the teachings and practices of bhakti and in depth spiritual consciousness as outlined in the Vedas.
Duration: 15 hours
Cost: $150
Support for sexual control
This workshop serves as a support system to help men better understand and deal with sexual control. It is in the form of a support group in which there are many partner and group discussions where men share their sexual challenges and concerns and get help from both the facilitators and the students in developing more self discipline and greater respect for women. Students will get partners to continue their work after the course.
Duration: 12 hours
Cost: $120
The art of professional facilitation
You will learn the presentation techniques and philosophies used by the most successful presenters, trainers and facilitators in the world and be immediately able apply them to your live or online courses, workshops or coaching . You learn how to understand precisely what your audience needs to learn, and how to present this in a way that touches, inspires, and resonates deeply with them. This will motivate your audience to take other courses or coaching programs you offer. It is also ideal for corporate trainers as the techniques you gain will make learning more fun and interesting, and thus create trainings in which people both gain more and totally enjoy.
Note: This is course is required for anyone taking certification training to teach any of the Sattva courses.
Duration: 15 hours
Cost: $220 (includes one hour of personal coaching)

The Wisdom of Yoga and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras
Yoga is a lifestyle. It is meant to be practiced within a the context of sattvic or pure lifestyle. This course explains the history of yoga, the various spiritualand meditative practices that form a complete yoga practice, the lifestyle changes that support this practice and the philosophical underpinnings of yoga as taught in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Duration: 25 hours
Cost: $250
Level One - Success principles of the Bhagavad-gita
The Gita is a spiritual guide to practical living. It teaches how to harmonize activities in a way that produce the best possible results on all levels: material, emotional, mental, and spiritual. The eight success principles covered in this course are:
The Law of Personal Responsibility – Karma
The Law of Duty – Dharma
The Law of Detachment – Vairagya
The Law of Nature – Guna
The Law of Self Mastery – Atma-vinigrahah
The Law of Balance – Samah
The Law of Service – Seva
The Law of Re-Creation – Sadhana
Duration: 32 hours

Level Two - The Gita's wisdom on the law of Karma
We look at the perennial questions of whether we have free will or if our destiny written in stone, how a loving god could allow suffering to exist, and why bad things happening to good people. We also cover what karma is, how we create it, how we free ourselves from it, what we are supposed to learn from it, why karma is necessary, and how to respond with detachment to what we can’t control. We gain a broad and in depth understanding of how to use these universal laws to support and enlighten every aspect of our lives rather than to bewilder or destroy us.
Duration: 10 hours
Cost: $100
Level Three - Gita wisdom
A historical, philosophical and thematic understanding of the Gita. The Bhagavad-gita is the essence of all Indian religious and philosophical thought and the original source of knowledge of yoga, meditation and self-realization. Read and practiced by some of the greatest minds in the world, this 5000 year old sacred text is as relevant today as it was when it was first spoken. We simplify difficult philosophical concepts in order to fully explore the profound universal spiritual principles of the Gita and help you assimilate the essential teachings and practices in your life.
Duration:25 hours
Cost: $250

Sattva offers you some of the most effective spiritually based self-development courses anywhere. The Sattva Way will gently connect you with your innate wisdom, happiness and real self. Allow us to put self realization
easily within your reach.