Free Online Masterclasses
Over 20 Master Classes give you access to the fundamental teachings and practices of The Sattva Way.
You can immediately explore the Sattva teachings and apply them in your life.
Use Your Mind or Your Mind Will Use You
Vedic principles of psychology for controlling the mind and emotions and positively responding to negative circumstances. Learn to not identify yourself with your mind and emotions but to come to the observer consciousness by understanding you have a mind and emotions but you are not the mind or emotions and that without learning mental and emotional detachment, you work against yourself.
Duration: 2 hours
Cost: Free
To go further with this material we recommend our Forgiveness workshop or retreat, Managing Your Beliefs (online course), The Shifting the Energy Retreat and/or The Sattva Way (online or retreat).
Why Meditate
What is meditation, what will it do for you, and how to get started. Does meditation relieve stress, calm you down, help you focus and bring more satisfaction? Yes. But these are only the side effects. The real gift of meditation is spiritual awakening by connecting you with the hidden treasures within your soul.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: Free
To go further with this material we recommend our Japa Vipasana Retreat
The Ten Transformations of Forgiving:
The courses explains how in the forgiveness process, you are forced to learn the following :
Understand and fully utilize your power of choice,
Take right actions despite opposing feelings,
Come to your highest levels of personal responsibility,
Neutralize your ego’s need to be right, judge, blame or criticize,
Awaken your deepest levels of empathy and compassion,
Appreciate the good in those who harm you,
Return hurt with acts with kindness,
See how all personal karma is meant as a gift to uplift you,
To free yourself from being controlled by the past,
Strengthen your relationship with yourself and your creator.
.. and the consciousness needed to create these changes.
Duration: 5 hours
Cost: Free
To go further with this material we recommend our Forgiveness online course or workshop
Don't Compromise Your Principles
The importance of maintaining purity and integrity in every aspect of life and how this affects personal and organizational outcomes.
Duration: 1.5 hours
Cost: Free
To go further with this material we recommend Your Relationships with Vows (online course) and/or Managing Your Beliefs (online course).
Creating Balance
Balancing opposite forces, desires and needs in our lives in a way that makes us more grounded, "normal", and leads to healthier relationships with ourselves and others.
Duration: 3 hours
Cost: Free
To go further with this material we recommend Sacred Union (online and retreat) Forgiveness (online or retreat), The Sattva Way (online and retreat), The Seven Days to Live Retreat, The Gita Series of Courses, The Shifting the Energy Retreat and/or Taming the Ego (online course).
Dealing with Criticism
The causes, the consequences and the cures. How our relationship with one and another directly affects our divine connection.
Duration: 2 hours
Cost: Free
To go further with this material we recommend our Forgiveness online course or workshop, Enlighened Soul Training, The Sattva Way (online and retreat), Self Compassion (online), The Shifting the Energy Retreat, The Seven Days to Live Retreat and/or Taming the Ego (online course).
Aligning Your Life With What You Believe
How we too often fail to live what we believe, why this happens, and how we can make our lives more aligned with our values.
Duration: 2 hours
Cost: Free
To go further with this material we recommend our Forgiveness online course or workshop, the Sattva Way (online or retreat) The Shifting the Energy Retreat, The Seven Days to Live Retreat and/or Managing Your Beliefs (online)
Do I Need a Guru?
What is a guru, and what isn't? Who is a guru and who isn't? Why would anyone need a guru? Do I need a guru? What can I expect from a guru? What does the guru do? What does the guru teach? How to find a guru?
Duration: 1.5 hours
Cost: Free
To go further with this material we recommend The Sattva Way online course or retreat, The Bhakti Course (online) and/or the Gita Series of courses (online)
Why Relationships Fail
Why two nice people can end up driving one another crazy
Duration: 2 hours
Cost: Free
To go further with this material we recommend our Sacred Union online course or retreat, Your Relationship with Vows (online course), How to Cooperate When You Can’t (online course), Sexual Purity for Men (online course), Managing Your Beliefs (online), Self Compassion (online), The Shifting the Energy Retreat, Taming the Ego (online) and/or The Seven Days to Live Course.
Self-Compassion and Self-Forgiveness
Why we get caught up in the destructive habits of berating ourselves and what we can do to prevent it and heal.
Duration: 1.5 hours
Cost: Free
To go further with this material we recommend our Self Compassion online course, our Forgiveness online course or workshop and/or The Seven Days to Live Retreat
Spirituality 101
Understanding the universal principles of spirituality and how to live by them.
Duration: 1.5 hours
Cost: Free
To go further with this material we recommend The Bhakti Course (online), The Gita series of courses (online) or The Sattva Way (online or retreat).
What To Learn From Your Karma
What is karma, how it works, and what is it supposed to teach us?
Duration: 2 hours
Cost: Free
To go further with this material we recommend our Forgiveness Course (online course or retreat), The Bhagavad-gita series of courses, The Sattva Way (online or reteat), The Wisdom of Yoga (online), and/or The Seven Days to Live Retreat.
The Three Questions
Answers based on Vedic teachings to life's most important questions: How did we get here? Why are we here? Where do we go after death?
Duration: 1 hour
Cost: Free
To go further with this material we recommend The Bhakti Course, The Wisdom of Yoga (online courses) The Sattva Way (online course or retreat) and/or The Seven Days to Live Retreat.
Animals: Pets or Food?
Explore the arguments for a plant base diet and how it affects your health, consciousness, and the planet.
Duration: 1 hour
Cost: Free
To go further with this material we recommend The Bhakti Course,The Wisdom of Yoga (online courses), Managing Your Beliefs (online) and/or The Sattva Way (online course or retreat).
The Effects of Your Environment and Company
We are social beings. Learn how your environment and company mold your consciousness and the importance of keeping the right company (sanga) and creating sacred space in your life to progress spiritually.
Duration: 1 hour
Cost: Free
To go further with this material we recommend the Bhakti Course (online), The Wisdom of Yoga (online courses), The Managing Your Beliefs course (online) and/or The Sattva Way (online course or retreat)
The Wisdom of Yoga
Asana is part of a full and holistic practice of yoga that includes meditation, sacred teachings, self-reflection and spiritual service. Learn how to integrate and connect these timeless teachings and practices of yoga to the daily issues of your life in a way that transforms your consciousness and Actions.
Duration: 3 hours
Cost: Free
To go further with this material we recommend the Wisdom of Yoga or The Bhakti Course (online courses)
Transformation Through Forgiveness
What is forgiveness, why we hold on to grudges, what we pay for doing this, and the consciousness needed to let go?
Duration: 1 hour
Cost: Free
To go further with this material we recommend the Forgiveness online course or workshop, The Self Comapssion online course and/or
The Power of Positive Thinking
Moving beyond your boundaries by better understanding how conditioned thoughts and beliefs are at odds with what you want to achieve, and even at odds with your fundamental spiritual nature, and what you can do about it.
Duration: 2 hours
Cost: Free
To go further with this material we recommend the online course, Managing Your Beliefs, The Self Mastery Course, The Shifting the Energy Retreat or The Lessons from the Bhagavad-gita series.
Dealing with Guilt
When is guilt healthy, when it is harmful, why it exists, what can we do about it and what can we learn from it?
Duration: 2 hours
Cost: Free
To go further with this material we recommend the Self Compassion Course (online), Managing Your Beliefs (online), the Forgiveness online course or workshop The Shifting the Energy Retreat and/or The Seven Days to Live Retreat.
Claim Your Happiness
Ten counterintuitive spiritually based ways of finding happiness, ways that go against what society and the media tell us will make us happy, but have worked for thousands of years.
Duration: 2 hours
Cost: Free
To go further with this material any of our courses will be suitable.
Simple Living, High Thinking
If you only kept 80% of what you own, you would have everything you need to live comfortably. We have been programmed to believe more is better when the opposite is actually true.
To go further with this material we recommend The Bhakti Course (online), The Sattva Way (online or retreat) The Shifting the Energy Retreat and/or The Seven Days to Live Retreat
Duration: 1.5 hours
Cost: Free

At Sattva we believe in your growth. It is it both our honor and sacred service to offer you our compassionate help in facilitating your spiritual transformation. The world gets better as you get better, and your success is our greatest happiness.