1on1 Immersion Coaching

What is 1on1 Immersion Coaching?
Martin offers "Immersion Coaching" for select individuals.
He devotes a weekend just for you anywhere in the world
at the location of your choice, and if you like, continues
to work with you several times a week through phone and
email, becoming part of your team.
Clients consistently tell us that spending a weekend with Martin,
and then having him on call when needed, is among the most
beneficial and transformational experiences of their lives.
Why? Osmosis Transformation
This happens because of a reality that is well employed in traditional Eastern spiritual practices: the qualities of the teacher - who he is as a person, his level of consciousness, the qualities he embodies - is more important than what he teaches. It is what Martin calls "osmosis transformation." You change aspects of yourself in the personal presence of an elevated teacher in ways you simply could never do on your own. It happens by osmosis!
Ten people can say the same thing, but when someone who realizes and lives by what they teach says it, it penetrates the heart.
Sure, there is no shortage of knowledgeable
coaches. But when you are with a rare person,
one who embodies a special kind of higher
consciousness and awareness (who is known in
India as a Mahatma - and this was the name
Martin’s guru gave him), the benefit you receive
is not just from their words; it is from their
presence. Maya Angelou said it perfectly. "I've
learned that people will forget what you said, people
will forget what you did, but people will never
forget how you made them feel."
A Special Soul Makes You Feel Special
Being in the presence of a rare soul profoundly affects you at a core level. Anyone who has had the opportunity to spend time with an elevated yogi, saint (sadhu) or similarly elevated soul, attests to this fact. What you experience in their presence is often beyond description: a feeling of joy, peace and inspiration you have never before known. You come alive in a unique way. You see yourself and world differently. Your priorities reorganize themselves; what used to bother you becomes insignificant; you connect to a source of joy and satisfaction within you that was previously untapped. You are touched and changed on a core level.
This kind of experience makes it clear that one of the most powerful methods of personal transformation is to be with someone who embodies a rare level of spiritual consciousness, someone who doesn't see the world and react to it like everyone else, someone who is beyond envy, judgment and prejudice. Their presence is infectious: you start to imbibe their consciousness and qualities. You experience more compassion and kindness than you've ever known, not just for other people, but for all of God's creation. You want to serve like never before. You become a better person than you have ever been; perhaps the very person you always wanted to be. And realizations flow into your heart like pearls of wisdom from heaven. It is a gift from one heart to another. You cherish the gift, you live it and you share it.
Why Immersion Coaching is Unique
This is what 1on1 Immersion Coaching is all about - and why it is different from any other kind of coaching. Like other top coaches Martin could help you achieve new levels of success, change what you want to change, improve what you want to approve, and overcome limiting beliefs and behaviors, everything you would expect from any professional coach with almost five decades of experience. But Immersion Coaching is so much more than this (and all the above mentioned results show up as a by-product anyway).
Going Faster in the Wrong Direction
During Martin's 47 years of teaching and coaching he consistently found that social conditioning misdirects people into striving for goals that reflect an alienation from their spiritual essence, goals they believe are important for them but ultimately leave very important aspects of themselves untouched. This can happen even with those who think they are being spiritual. This requires a deep level of clarity and wisdom to understand and shfit and is something Martin has dedicated his life to revealing.
All coaches help us find better ways of achieving goals, but in traditional coaching our consciousness, lifestyle, and paradigms are just given a facelift, not a paradigm shift. The result is that we are in a better place, but still along a path that isn't going to lead us to what we, as souls, really want and need to be. We might end up having more success and less emotional turmoil - all good things – and this will make the journey more pleasant. But a pleasant journey along a road leading us away from what our heart most deeply hankers for is a successful way to fail.
Martin doesn’t take this route because he knows that until you clearly connect with your inner spiritual essence on the deepest levels, your choices for what you want and need will always leave you feeling that something more is needed to make you whole, when in fact as a spiritual being you already are whole.
With so much experience helping people getting more deeply in touch with and living their spiritual essence, Martin is dedicated to giving you a life, vision and future that only a person of his wisdom, insight and experience is able to give. This is not just about making a shift, this is about changing the whole paradigm.
What Can You Expect?
Expect the unexpected. As the Buddha said, “Enlightenment is everything you think it isn’t.” Many people say a weekend with Martin was the best weekend of their lives - and it changed them forever. I think you'll say the same thing. What is so special about 1on1 Immersion Coaching? Martin! Click here to send me an email to Martin expressing your interest in Immersion Coaching.
Weekend visit only: $10,000.
Includes one weekend visit to any location in the world.
Weekend visit and one month coaching: $20,000
Includes one weekend visit and up to three calls per week and unlimited texts and emails.
Contracts of six months or more: $10,000 per month.
Includes one weekend visit per 6 month period, up to three calls per week and unlimited texts and emails. Additional weekend visits $10,000.
To make an appointment with Martin to discuss coaching possibilities, click here