Periodically it is useful – even necessary - to take time out, get away and re-examine our lives. Sattva retreats offer a powerful way to do this. You leave your normal life to live in nature, focusing exclusively on your own upliftment. You develop bonds with kindred spirits through the transforming journey you share together. You come out renewed, energized, and more spiritually aware.
Retreats and Workshops offer you additional time to explore the Sattva materials and processes. Plus you benefit through one on one sharing, group discussions and personal interaction with your facilitator and the Sattva coaches.We recommend attending at least one retreat or workshop every year.

The Shifting Energy Retreat
The power of positive
Each day of the retreat is spent transforming one of the seven areas of our existence: physical, emotional, mental, intellectual, ego, consciousness and spirit. Healthy transformation can only take place when all seven areas of our existence are healed and balanced. If one area of life is strong and another weak, success in one area will be at the cost of failing in another and will create dysfunction (an emotionally immature intellectual, a emotionally healthy person with low spiritual consciousness, a “spiritual” person with ill health, a mentally strong person with a big ego, etc.). Whole Beings Intelligence is the process we employ to elevate, heal, balance and synergize these areas of life. This is a true multi-dimensional makeover and spiritually rejuvenating experience.
Duration: 7 days
Cost: $1750

The Sacred Union
Couples Retreat
Understanding the laws of relationships
The same principles and practices taught in the online course come alive in the company of your partner in an idyllic retreat setting. This retreat will transform you personally while it transforms your relationship. The additional time dedicated to the retreat allows us to go deeper into the course material. Also includes optional morning and evening meditation and yoga sessions. Especially useful for couples going through difficult times in their relationship. (To learn more, see course description under the section Online Courses.)
Duration: 20 hours
(Friday night, Saturday and Sunday)
Cost: $1200 per couple
The Forgiveness Workshop
Let it go and set yourself free
The same course material for the online course is presented in a live interactive session for those who wish to go more deeply into the forgiveness process and who prefer to do this with others to take advantage of group dynamics and a mentor’s personal guidance. (To learn more, see course description under the section Online Courses.)
Duration: 20 hours
(Friday night, Saturday and Sunday)
Cost: $350

The Sattva Way Retreat
Levels 1, 2 and 3
A full immersion experience in the Sattva Way materials and lifestyle. For those who prefer to do all levels at one time or who prefer a full immersion course where one can study and practice away from one’s normal life, interact with other participants and have personal access to instructors and coaches. (To learn more, see course description under the section Online Courses.)
Duration: 7 days
Cost: $ $1750

The Sadhana Retreat
A weekend of spiritual practice
A weekend retreat designed to give those who have never lived in an asrama or temple an experience
of a full morning and evening program of sadhana (spiritual practice). Classes are offered during the day to help participants develop a regular sadhana practice at home, exercises to help reflect on ways to do this at home and discussions on how to bring spirituality into every aspect of one's life.
(Requires rising by 5 am.)
Duration: Friday night, Saturday and Sunday
Cost: $600

The Seven Days to Live
How your life would change
if you only had seven more days on earth
Seven Days to Live a simulation of the last seven days of our lives and how we would prepare ourselves to leave this world.
This retreat offers you a total change of perspective on your life: what is and isn’t important, where you need to grow spiritually, what you regret having done, and what you regret having not yet done.
Through imagining our life to be over, we are forced to reflect on the meaning of life and the meaning of our life and to question assumptions, heal past wounds, and reflect deeply on our individual purpose and contribution.
Be prepared for the most enlightening and transforming seven days you could ever spend.
Prerequisite: The Sattva Way Levels 1,2,3
Duration: 7 days
Cost: $2500 (Includes access to personal coaching throughout the retreat)
Kirtan Therapy Workshop/Retreat
Unlocking the power of kirtan
This workshop helps unlock the power of kirtan by facilitating participants in the proper understanding, mood and method of kirtan. You learn the history of kirtan, proper and improper ways of doing kirtan, and are guided before kirtans in ways that enable you to more fully absorb yourself in chanting and thus get the most benefit from kirtan. You will daily experience the ecstasy and its amazingly transforming effects which gives you a spiritual taste that your heart hankers for. We also help you work through internal the obstacles that might be preventing you from going deeper into the chanting.
In between chanting sessions there is discussion, reflection, exercises and journaling. Participants leave with a book full of spiritual unique realizations obtained during their chanting experiences and a rejuvenated spirit.
Workshop: 20 hours (Friday night, Saturday and Sunday)
Cost: $350
Retreat: 5 days
Cost: $1250

The Japa Workshop/Retreat
Level 1 | Transforming your chanting
Japa workshops and retreats are powerful ways to make major improvement in the quality of and taste for one’s chanting. The programs takes one’s chanting to a level that might otherwise take years to achieve. This results in a greater attachment to chanting along with all the spiritual benefits that result from improved chanting. Although the focus is on chanting, the course materials relate to many aspects of our spiritual practice and daily lives.
This workshop is for those who have been chanting on beads for at least six months.
Workshop: Friday night, Saturday and Sunday
Cost: $350
Retreat: 5 days
Cost: $1250

Japa Vipasana Retreat
A seven day retreat with 6 hours a day of chanting and guided meditation, two hours of reflections and discussions, and seven days of a vow of silence, no internet and simple living conditions. Requires rising by 5am. Designed for those who have never chanted before.
Duration: One week
Cost: Donation. (The donation based retreat reflects the mood of the vipasana culture: simple/austere living accommodations and environment and a donation based retreat.)

At all workshops and retreats we have
coaches that offer you guidance in doing
the course work.
Coaching for personal issues is available
at an additional cost.