A company’s culture resides in the hearts and souls of its people.
If you want to change the culture of
an organization you must begin with changing the individual. The cultural values that every company wants must be embedded in the hearts of its employees. Sattva, through it various programs, awakens the higher values that exist potentially within everyone.

Martin Hausner presenting at Intel
Power of The positive
Every business outcome improves when employees are happy and positive. Therefore, any training that uplifts consciousness will improve business because external results reflect internal states of consciousness.
To achieve more people have to become more. When people improve themselves in the seven dimensions of human existence that our Shifting the Energy system addresses: physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, ego, consciousness, and spirit, the synergistic and balancing effect is so powerful that amazing changes of the individual takes place.
Shifting the Energy was designed to help participants overcome the most common and debilitating human frailties that tend to infest the workplace: negativity, gossip, blame, resentment, big ego, the need to be right, emotional immaturity, lack of accountability and irresponsibility.
Your company’s culture lies in the heart of your employees. At Sattva we change culture by changing consciousness. If everyone in your organization continues to think (and thus act) in the same manner as they do today, you can’t expect to achieve the different results you need to achieve, now or in the future. If you change culture, you change the game. And to change culture you must change consciousness.
Motivational presentations or skill training can’t help employees make these fundamental changes. You need training that creates self-motivating, a culture that supports employees in connecting to the fire of motivation within them. If this doesn’t happen the effects of training are short lived.
Allow us to help your business become better by helping the people who work for you become better.
Overview: 2.5 hours
Cost. $900 (If you decide to take any of the modules, the $900 will be credited to its cost)
Workshops: Seven modules. 8 hours for each module. Choose one or more modules.
Cost: $1800 per module
The secret business tool
When you hire someone, you not only hire abilities, you also hire negative behaviors and attitudes. Left unaddressed, these undermine higher levels of synergy, cooperation, and harmony. Forgiveness training addresses these unproductive attitudes and behaviors at the core level, the level of consciousness.
Our philosophy is. “Change the invisible and you change the visible.” This is the most effective paradigm for achieving lasting change and permanent results.
And this is exactly why forgiveness training is the most effective team building method available: it shifts consciousness. Extensive research has found that the most important quality of a good team member is his or her ability to feel what another person feels. This characteristic cannot be acquired through conventional soft skills training. It requires the kind of transformation in consciousness that Forgiveness training so naturally and effectively produces.
Forgiveness training not only improves participant’s relationships at work, it improve their relationships outside the workplace. And people who are more well-adjusted and happier outside of work are a much greater asset for your company than those who are not.
Studies show that those who take Forgiveness training not only have a more positive attitude and healthier relationships, they are also experience less stress and better health. They have also been found to be more creative and self-confident.
Forgiveness transforms lives. Allow us to show you the amazing results your company will achieve by bring the power of forgiveness to the workplace.
(Forgiveness training is a more in depth study of the Shifting the Energy module on emotion and can be taken whether or not participants have taken any of the Shifting the Energy modules).
Overview: 2.5 hours
Cost: $900 (If you decide to take the full workshop, the $900 will be credited to its cost)
Workshop: 8 hours
Cost: $1800
The Bhagavad-gita's Laws of Success
Can a sacred text that took place on a battlefield 5000 years ago be of relevance in today's boardrooms? Some of best business schools and companies in India think so. The Bhagavad-gita is becoming the new management Bible for some of the biggest companies in India and it also being taught in University management courses.
As older business principles cease to work well, and when the rate of change outside is faster than change within, businesses need deeper anchor points for decision-making not available in contemporary literature. The temporary solutions we seek from the latest business models are often inadequate. The Gita is different; it is beyond time, place and circumstances.
Management is about helping employees become better. Good managers don’t just give assignments, they become coaches that help people do better by becoming better. This is what the Gita does: it teaches us how to be more focused, tolerant, responsible, controlled, dutiful, balanced and objective, all qualities that improve creativity, cooperation and productivity. But even greater, the Gita is a philosophy of life that shows how to gain inspiration, growth and ultimately perfection from work when seen as an offering to god. When people see their work in this spiritual way, they become inspired to use their god given abilities in the workplace as a spiritual contribution. In fact, research has shown this spiritual way of approaching work the greatest human motivator.
Allow us to help your company by applying the following universal and non sectarian success insights, principles and practices of the Gita:
The Law of Personal Responsibility – Karma:
The Law of Duty – Dharma
The Law of Detachment – Vairagya
The Law of Nature – Guna
The Law of Self Mastery – Atma-vinigrahah
The Law of Balance – Samah
The Law of Service – Seva
The Law of Re-Creation – Sadhana
Overview: 2.5 hours
Cost: $900 (If you decide to take the full workshop, the $900 will be credited to its cost)
Workshop: 32 hours. (Choose two or more modules).
Cost: $1800 per 8 hours (each module is four hours)
If your better at home, you’re better at work
Enlightened Leadership Training takes the essential principles taught in all the above training workshops and brings them in a leadership context. Firstly, this insures that leaders will understand and apply the principles well themselves, an essential ingredient in getting employees to follow them. Secondly, leaders learn how to insure insure that those who took our trainings are applying the principles and practices in the jobs in a accountable way.
Change the Culture, Change the Game
To make long lasting changes, a company must create a culture that supports its values. Therefore, a major part of our leadership training is helping leaders better define your company’s culture (values), and exactly how to do it so that your culture aligns with your values. If it doesn’t, a value or mission statement will do little or nothing to change behavior.
training leaders in the processes required to align your company’s culture with the values you want employees to imbibe. Many trainings fail because the culture of the company is antagonistic to the behavior and attitudes employees are asked to achieve. For example, if we value team work but promote those who succeed independently, the culture undermines the principles it claims to support and sends a mixed message.
We also help leaders learn how to:
Change themselves before they change others.
Become effective coaches
Empower people to become self-motivated
Help people see and connect with their hidden greatness.
Make decisions and create conversations that unite people.
Lead without ego
and much more.
Change the Culture, Change the Game
Conscious Leadership Training takes the essential principles taught in all the above training workshops and brings them in a leadership context. Firstly, this insures that leaders will understand and apply the principles well themselves, an essential ingredient in getting employees to follow them. Secondly, leaders learn how to insure insure that those who took our trainings are applying the principles and practices in the jobs in a accountable way.
To make long lasting changes, a company must create a culture that supports its values. Therefore, a major part of our leadership training is helping leaders better define your company’s culture (values), and exactly how to do it so that your culture aligns with your values. If it doesn’t, a value or mission statement will do little or nothing to change behavior.
training leaders in the processes required to align your company’s culture with the values you want employees to imbibe. Many trainings fail because the culture of the company is antagonistic to the behavior and attitudes employees are asked to achieve. For example, if we value team work but promote those who succeed independently, the culture undermines the principles it claims to support and sends a mixed message.
We also help leaders learn how to:
Change themselves before they change others.
Become effective coaches
Empower people to become self-motivated
Help people see and connect with their hidden greatness.
Make decisions and create conversations that unite people.
Lead without ego
and much more.
Don't Compromise Your Principles
The core principles of a company are both the foundations upon which the company is built and the reason it exists. If these principles are not service, integrity and dharmic/duty based, the company cannot last. No company over two hundred-years-old whose only motive was profit exists today.

"As crazy as it sounds, most people prefer doing what is comfortable, even though they know it isn't producing the results they want, rather than breaking out of old patterns to do something different that would produce better results."
Divine principles at work
Imagine if Buddha, Christ, Krishna or Mohammed came to speak at your company. Do you think their words would help? I believe their wisdom would transform your company in a way no other person ever could.
It is this kind of wisdom that is greatly missing in today's corporate world. Yet it is so much needed.
We need more cohesion, engagement and creativity in today’s business environment. With greater cooperation, accountability and inspiration we will naturally – almost effortlessly – rapidly growth. But how do we get there? The latest books or training don’t seem to be quite enough. Fundamental challenges still remain. So we continue looking to the next top strategist, marketing expert or leadership guru for the missing links, the latest “better ideas.”
I suggest this is not the solution. We don’t need something new; we need something that has always been here.
There have always been immutable laws that govern how the world and relationships work, laws that don’t change like the seasons, as do the latest management theories. Behind these laws are principles so simple, yet so profound, they are easily ignored. These ideas have been the cherished property of the ancient philosophers, mystics and saints - the sadhus - for millenniums, yet hardly anyone understands their relevance to modern business success.
My spiritual master was a genuine sadhu. He set sail from India to America in 1965 on a mission to introduce India’s spiritual heritage to the West. He carried only 40 Rupees but he brought a vast treasure in his heart: the wisdom and character of a sadhu.
Several years after his arrival on the shores of New York, I met this rare sadhu, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami (affectionately known as Srila Prabhupuda), and soon became his disciple. I watched his fledging mission grow from a few followers in a shabby New York store front to a conglomerate of over 150 temples, asrams, farms, schools and institutes by the time he left this world 12 short years later. I managed many temples and projects in his mission, interacted with him, and carefully observed and studied how he made this unprecedented phenomena happen.
Many businessmen of his day marveled at his success - and they wanted to know how he did it. But whenever asked about this he never revealed his secrets. What he knew about the sadhu’s view of leadership, management and bringing spirituality into business that he implemented to grow his organization remains –until now - known only to his close followers.
Corporate Sadhu Training changes all this.
For the first time ever, the otherworldly principles and practices Srila Prabhupada used are being made available to businessmen and companies worldwide, principles that not only change companies, but transform people's lives.
What would it be like if a sadhu ran a company – or more specifically, ran your company? What principles and practices would he instill, what qualities and characteristics would he demand your employees live by, what kind of culture would he create, and what spiritual insights would he share to uplift people’s consciousness.
Corporate Sadhu Training answers these and many other questions.
In this workshop we delineate the principles I observed my spiritual master put into practice to make his organization succeed at a rate that seemed to defy physical law. In twelve years he gathered 10,000 workers who willingly and happily worked upwards of 12 hours a day. And he didn’t pay them anything!
In fact, many paid him for the honor of serving his organization!
In this training we look at how Srila Prabhupada dealt with such issues as integrity, purpose, relationships, and organizational culture. We learn how he was able to inspire people to make tremendous personal sacrifice, keep both his organization and managers focused on priorities, and empower people to do more than they ever imagined possible.
We also learn the spiritual philosophy that was at the core of his organizational success: things like focus and discipline, sensitivity to other’s needs and feelings, relating and communicating free from ego, and a faithful dependence on God for resources, strength and guidance.
What makes Corporate Sadhu Training even more special is that we take the examples Srila Prabhupda set, and the wisdom he shared, and find references for these ideas in the sacred texts of various traditions. This gives greater insight into the nature and power of the universal truths he put into practice.
The workshop is divided into the following sections/topics:
Who Controls Your Mind? – How to avoid responding to the mind’s whims and take control
Work While the World is Asleep – How inspiration gets you up early, empowers you to accomplish more than you imagine, and puts you in the lead.
Your Ego Could Ruin You – How to tame the ego, and how it can ruin you if you don’t.
Be Satisfied with Yourself – How self satisfaction is at the root of a positive mind set.
Becoming Perfect Doing Your Work – Everything in your life gets better as you get better
Don't Compromise Your Principles- Aligning your actions with your values
Failing to Succeed – Success beyond success
About Your Dharma (Essence) – Connecting to your internal gifts and inspiration
Don’t Feed Your Weakness – Focusing on on your strengths, not on your weaknesses.
Soft Skills are Hard – How and why it takes inner strength to be soft
Whose Fault is It? – Overcoming the need to blame, be right and put others down
Self-Discipline – How self-discipline and success go hand in hand
Appreciation – How appreciation uplifts others, and uplifts you even more.
Empowerment – Making the word impossible lose its meaning
Ignorance of the Obvious – How we have become so conditioned that we don’t see the obvious
Less is More – Keeping focus on what is essential
Sacred Space – The importance of creating sacred daily time
Self Compassion – You need to love yourself to love others
Your Contribution – Always serve a cause greater than yourself
Forgiveness - Let them go and let yourself free.
Using these principles Srila Prabhupada’s multinational organization today has millions of customers, hundreds of thousands of volunteers, and a global distribution network with over 1,000 centers in 65 countries. And it continues to expand at a furious rate.
Let Corporate Sadhu Training show you how to apply the same principles Srila Prabhupada’s used to create phenomenal success to the success of your employees and company.
It would be my honor to share the valuable gems of wisdom and experience I gained from personally working with Srila Prabhupada with your organization.
Introduciton: 2.5 hours
Cost: $500
Overview: 8 hours
Cost: $1500
Full Workshop: 32 hours
Cost: $6000