Asking the Right Questions

If we want the right answers, we have to ask the right questions. Some questions empower us and others paralyze us. If we are in a difficult situation we might lament, “Why did this have to happen to me?” and thus drown ourselves in self-pity. We should ask, “What I am supposed to learn from this?” This question provides us with the opportunity to learn from the experience. Different questions take us to different places. Unfortunately, many people don’t ask deep questions. They limit themselvesto questions like, “Why don’t I have enough?” and “How can I get more?” If we want our life to go deeper, our questions need to go deeper. So what are the big questions? Sacred Indian texts tell us the important questions to ask are questions that will lead to transformation, enlightened thinking and elevated consciousness. The questions are: 1. How did I get here? 2. What am I supposed to do now that I am here? 3. Is there anything more than this? 4. How can I be of service?